
Become 100,000th Fan of Korean Sool!

We are a dedicated team of 17 passionate individuals with one ambitious mission: to introduce the beauty of Korean traditional sool to 100,000 fans around the globe.

For us, it’s not just about drinking—it’s about creating an experience where culture, history, and flavor come alive with every bottle. Join us on this journey to explore the rich heritage of Korea, one sip at a time.

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How It Works

Selected By Curators

A sommelier personally tastes and evaluates a variety of Korean sools to select the ones that go into the box.

Delivered To Your Door

Packaged in Korea, it’s delivered right to your doorstep for free!

Experience And Enjoy

Enjoy a delightful drinking experience by pairing Korean sools with Korean foods!

More than 400,000 Koreans Satisfied

Korean Sool Box Subscription


Each month, we deliver 2-4 carefully selected bottles of Korean traditional soolsfrom breweries across Korea,
curated by our sommeliers with unique themes and stories.

Your Exclusive One-Time Offer

Get 50% off your first experience!